Pokemon GO Mega Lucario raid guide (March 2025): Best counters, strengths, weaknesses, best tips, and more | Esports News

Pokemon GO Mega Lucario raid guide (Image via The Pokemon Company)

A Pokemon GO Mega Lucario raid guide will help you prepare for this Mega Raid in the game. Mega Lucario is returning to Mega Raids from March 4 to March 13, 2025. This powerful Fighting- and Steel-type Pokemon debuted on July 27, 2024, and is back for another round of challenging battles. With its high Attack stat and relatively low defenses, Mega Lucario can be defeated with the right strategy.
This Pokemon GO Mega Lucario raid guide covers everything you need to know, from its weaknesses to the best counters.

Best Counters for Mega Lucario in Pokemon GO

To take down Mega Lucario, assemble a team of strong Fire-, Ground-, and Fighting-type Pokemon. Here are the top counters:

Category Pokemon Fast Move Charge Move Faints TTW
Mega Pokemon Blaziken (Mega) Counter (Fighting) Blast Burn (Fire) 17 243s
Lucario (Mega) Counter (Fighting) Aura Sphere (Fighting) 24 232s
Charizard (Mega Y) Fire Spin (Fire) Blast Burn (Fire) 13 215s
Garchomp (Mega) Mud Shot (Ground) Earth Power (Ground) 12 276s
Heracross (Mega) Counter (Fighting) Close Combat (Fighting) 16 294s
Rayquaza (Mega) Air Slash (Flying) Dragon Ascent (Flying) 13 307s
Charizard (Mega X) Fire Spin (Fire) Blast Burn (Fire) 16 298s
Legendary Pokemon Groudon (Primal) Mud Shot (Ground) Precipice Blades (Ground) 10 254s
Terrakion Double Kick (Fighting) Sacred Sword (Fighting) 23 272s
Reshiram Fire Fang (Fire) Fusion Flare (Fire) 15 299s
Keldeo Low Kick (Fighting) Sacred Sword (Fighting) 18 295s
Blacephalon Incinerate (Fire) Mystical Fire (Fire) 22 297s
Landorus (Therian) Mud Shot (Ground) Sandsear Storm (Ground) 17 313s
Groudon Mud Shot (Ground) Precipice Blades (Ground) 17 327s
Shadow Pokemon Groudon (Shadow) Mud Shot (Ground) Precipice Blades (Ground) 17 276s
Excadrill (Shadow) Mud-Slap (Ground) Scorching Sands (Ground) 29 260s
Blaziken (Shadow) Counter (Fighting) Blast Burn (Fire) 25 266s
Garchomp (Shadow) Mud Shot (Ground) Earth Power (Ground) 17 286s
Darmanitan (Shadow) Fire Fang (Fire) Overheat (Fire) 26 279s
Machamp (Shadow) Counter (Fighting) Dynamic Punch (Fighting) 25 284s
Chandelure (Shadow) Fire Spin (Fire) Overheat (Fire) 20 294s
Hariyama (Shadow) Counter (Fighting) Dynamic Punch (Fighting) 24 287s
Moltres (Shadow) Fire Spin (Fire) Overheat (Fire) 18 301s
Charizard (Shadow) Fire Spin (Fire) Blast Burn (Fire) 21 297s
Entei (Shadow) Fire Fang (Fire) Overheat (Fire) 19 303s
Ho-Oh (Apex Shadow) Incinerate (Fire) Sacred Fire (Fire) 15 319s
Infernape (Shadow) Fire Spin (Fire) Blast Burn (Fire) 27 293s
Typhlosion (Shadow) Incinerate (Fire) Blast Burn (Fire) 25 303s
Mamoswine (Shadow) Mud-Slap (Ground) High Horsepower (Ground) 34 295s
Normal Pokemon Lucario Counter (Fighting) Aura Sphere (Fighting) 36 295s

Pokemon GO Mega Lucario raid guide: Weaknesses of the Mega Raid Boss

Mega Lucario in Pokemon GO

Mega Lucario in Pokemon GO (Image via Niantic)

Mega Lucario is a dual Steel- and Fighting-type Pokemon, making it vulnerable to specific attack types. Here’s what you need to know:
– Weaknesses: Fire-, Ground-, and Fighting-type attacks deal 160% additional damage.
– Resistances: Normal, Grass, Ice, Poison, Bug, Rock, Dragon, Steel, and Dark-type attacks are less effective.
To maximize your damage output, focus on using Fire, Ground, or Fighting-type moves.

Pokemon GO Mega Lucario raid guide: Stats and Moveset of the Mega Raid Boss

As a Mega Raid boss, Mega Lucario boasts impressive stats:

Stat Value
Combat Power 42,499
Attack 310
Defense 175
Stamina 9,000 HP

Fast Attacks: Counter, Bullet Punch
Charged Attacks: Aura Sphere, Close Combat, Power-Up Punch, Flash Cannon, Shadow Ball, Blaze Kick, Thunder Punch

Can you solo defeat Mega Lucario in Pokemon GO?

While Mega Lucario is tough, solo players can defeat it with a team of high-level, optimized counters. Ensure your Pokemon have the right movesets and are powered up to their maximum potential.

Mega Lucario’s Catch CP and shiny availability in Pokemon GO

After defeating Mega Lucario, you’ll have a chance to catch its base form, Lucario. The CP range varies based on weather and IVs:

Weather Condition CP Range (Level 20) CP Range (Level 25)
No Weather Boost 1,469 – 1,544
Snowy/Cloudy 1,837 – 1,930

Mega Lucario’s 100% IV CP Values in Pokemon GO

– No weather boost: 1,544 CP
– Weather boosted: 1,930 CP
Shiny Lucario is also available, with an approximate 1-in-128 chance of encountering one.

Final tips for Mega Lucario raids in Pokemon GO

– Coordinate with other trainers to maximize your chances of success.
– Use Mega Evolutions or Shadow Pokemon for added damage.
– Check the weather in-game to take advantage of weather boosts.
Also read: How to get Mega Lucario in Pokemon GO and can it be Shiny?
With this Pokemon GO Mega Lucario raid guide, you’re ready to take on Mega Lucario and add this powerful Pokemon to your collection. Happy raiding!

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